Prayer Room

Special Books

Feeling like you just want to be calm for once? Well our prized possession in the Heathrow Prayer Room is our wide, endless selection of holy books to connect with your faith's higher being.

At Heathrow Airport, we own 30 copies of each of the following:

  • Bible
  • Qu'ran
  • Torah
  • Gita
  • Guru Granth Sahib
  • Tripitaka

This allows a comfortable and inclusive experience for the religion you choose to practice.

If one gets broken or ripped, please report it to the security outside of the entrance or contact us via the homepage. Don't you worry though as you will not get punished or fined, it's all on us!

Special Symbols

To make the your experience at Heathrow Airport as authentic and indulging as possible, we opt to put many different types of religious signs and symbols on the walls. These can also help to be closer to your higher being and to concentrate easier.

As previously said, if you have any problems with our special symbols, please contact us on the homepage or notify a security guard.

Prayer and Reflection

Not enough? Well don't you worry as we have more ways to feel more connected with god

To maximise comfort, we have introduced knee rests. If other people / the ambience is distracting you, we have free headphones if you wish to listen to music.

As mentioned before, please contact us on the homepage or tell one of the guards outside